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Showing posts from March, 2015

Important Things....

I think it is really funny how quickly things change. We pass by hundreds of people every day; we go to work, to school and everywhere in between. We are constantly learning, which is one of the best parts of life. This last year I learned many important things, and I thought I would share a few. Here are 14 (yes, Troy Bolton's basketball number, and yes I did it pick it on purpose) important things that I have learned since my first day in High School, and good advice that I wish I had known sooner- 1. Be nice to everyone, regardless of how well you know them, or how they treat you 2. Smile in the hallways- the hallways are often crowded and big and scary and a smile makes it seem 85000x better 3. Ask for extra sprinkles 4. Don't be afraid to talk to people 5. Even the best people have their flaws- trust me, I promise they do 6. The temple is the happiest place on Earth- this one is just a fact 7. Bring people notes or treats if you/they are having a bad day, b

Hip Hip Horray for a new blog!

So I am going to attempt this cool blogging thing because I don't want to fill Instagram with too many long captions. (Apparently 71 per day is a tad excessive, or so I was told) :) I started a blog when I was in seventh grade, (it still exists and it is rather hilarious) and I think it had three followers-my mom, my aunt, and some random person in China so I hope this one goes a little bit better!  *crosses fingers, and tries to find 28567 lucky pennies*