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Showing posts from March, 2016

practically a pessimist post

Originally this was going to be a pessimism post, because I really didn't see a point in trying to be optimistic. I've seen quite a bit of negative lately so I figured I would simply follow the trend. However, when I began to write about something super negative, I recognized an blessing in disguise.  Ew. A blessing?!  Yup, a blessing. Let me tell ya, when you want to find the negative, it is really frustrating when you can see a silver lining in everything. I think this last week has been the only time the gift of finding the good has actually seemed like a bad gift to me. (remember the scripture Isaiah 5:20, ya, this was applied directly to my life) Say what you want, but satan is smart. I mean, he was rather stupid when he wanted his own plan (that's a totally different story. But still) But he has so many clever ways to get us to follow him. I am sure he knew that this was one of the hardest weeks for me, and I am positive he knew that getting me to