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Showing posts from April, 2015

I believe in gratitude....{My favorite people part 1}

I am pretty sure I associate with angels.  Or at least, some beautiful souls that I was lucky enough to snag as my best friends. This year I have met some of the loveliest people, and I am very grateful for their help and support in everything. These people are the ones who carry me through the hard times, randomly show up at my door with treats, are there to help me with my homework, and never fail to put a smile on my face. I don't think they know how much I adore them. Recently I started doing some #kgrattitudepost's just for fun after reading a quote by the wonderful Dieter F. Uchtdorf, which said,   " Our loving Heavenly Father knows that choosing to develop a spirit of  gratitude  will bring us true joy and great  happiness... Gratitude  is a  catalyst  to all Christlike attributes!" So I decided to start being more grateful, especially for the people who have blessed my life. So here are a few (pulled off insta+future ones) The first of my very best

I adore the temple

A year. I am completely at awe over how much can change in a year. This year I have learned more than I ever thought was possible, met some of my very best friends, and went on some pretty wonderful adventures. This last year could have been very different, if I hadn't followed a simple request form my dear Stake President. In October, my stake was challenged to do Family history. I'm not going to lie, I scoffed when I heard this so called "challenge." I had always figured family history was for the people who had tons of time on their hands, plus I knew all my work had to have been finished already. So I fought the promptings and decided to put it off unless absolutely necessary. Boy, I really didn't understand what I was missing out on. Around December I decided to attend one of the Thursday (before I knew it as Thorsday) night family history classes at my stake center. I set up my account, and went to work. It was one of my first times actually looking at m

Choosing Happiness

Throughout our life we are faced with many choices. These choices, whether big or small chart the course of our lives. We get to choose who our friends are, what homework we do [or choose not to do], where we go on adventures, and even how many scoops of ice cream we get to eat. While some choices come easily, others come quite hard- through lots of humble prayers, fasting, and even sacrificing. One of the best choices I have yet to make, was the choice to choose happiness.  Happiness is such a personal thing. It amazes me how many millions of things can make a single person happy. For some, it is easier to be happy in tough situations, while others may struggle while finding reasons to be happy. But no matter who you are, or what you may being going through, you have the chance to choose happiness. You are in charge of your own reactions, no matter what may be happening. To be happy is to see the silver lining, no matter the circumstance. Everyday we are faced with this choice; the