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Showing posts from January, 2016


I've come to the conclusion that life is sometimes very tough. Often times (especially lately) I've found myself simply trying to endure. Trying to make it from one day to the next. I think we all get like that. We all have trials, challenges, and hard days. Sometimes these days turn into weeks, and sadly sometimes they turn to months. This is simply a part of life. We get caught up on things, and just make it through things. Especially amidst trials we tend to turn to autopilot mode, and just endure. Truthfully, I hate enduring.  I mean, who wants to endure through trials? Who wants to endure something they don't think they deserve simply to make it to the end and say they endured? Who wants to keep going even when it gets so tough that life becomes something to just endure? Not me. I may not be a quitter, but sometimes I feel being told to simply endure everything, is one of the worst things in the world. However, as I've been enduring through one of the worst wee

slightly super sentimental

Time is something so valuable to me lately. Maybe I'm just cheesy, and sentimental about a new year. Or maybe it's the fact that everything I've known ends in a few months. I'm thinkin' it's probably a little bit of both... Time is something that I always thought only old people would have to truly worry about, I thought that it was only something that exists when death is around the corner. I thought time was infinite. I thought "just a second, sweetie" would last for an eternity. Especially in terms of waiting for a sucker at the bank. But it turns out I was so very wrong. Time isn't as infinite as I thought, it doesn't stop, and it doesn't care how much you have left of it. Time is a four letter word that has been holding incomprehensible value to me lately. I have come to the conclusion that time is always fleeting, but we shouldn't dwell on that. (Because that would take up even more time, which is lame) Instead, I want to focu