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Showing posts from April, 2016

an open letter {to the ones I love & miss}

Hey you, I hope you are doing okay. I hope that you are loving your life, wherever you might be. Hopefully you are still sewing, and making your famous chocolate pie. The world is truly missing lots if you never followed the dreams we talked about I hope you are still practicing the guitar, I know how happy it made you too My heart has honestly been a little bit broken since you left, and I think it might always be that way It hurts that we never fully got to say goodbye But then again, I don't think anyone is ever fully satisfied with goodbye in the end I hope that you miss me too, at least a little bit. Maybe when you hear that one song, I'll flash in your memory Even if it is only for a brief moment After all, one brief moment with you was always better than none Truthfully when I think of you, tears usually follow close behind Sweet memories are something you left me with, but still, tears always brim my eyes. I miss you lots and lots I believe that it'

thick & thin things

I'm finally starting to understand, at least a little bit, why people use to tell me "Enjoy it while it lasts." I remember laughing when people told me how fast high school would go by, I remember wishing to be in middle school so I could ride the bus. I always dreamed of getting my first kiss, having my own car, and loving life. I never thought these days would come. Everything always seems so far away, until it is right in front of us. Lately I have been gaining a better understanding of what my dear pal Neal A. Maxwell taught when he said, "Don't get caught in the thick of thin things."  I use to think he meant to simply not get caught in bad situations. Which is a very important thing to learn, but I think there was something a little more applicable to my life hidden in the short snippet of spiritual direction. This year it has came to mean that I must focus on the things that go by quickly. It came to mean that we must not make the unimportant things