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I believe in gratitude....{My favorite people part 1}

I am pretty sure I associate with angels. 

Or at least, some beautiful souls that I was lucky enough to snag as my best friends.
This year I have met some of the loveliest people, and I am very grateful for their help and support in everything. These people are the ones who carry me through the hard times, randomly show up at my door with treats, are there to help me with my homework, and never fail to put a smile on my face. I don't think they know how much I adore them.

Recently I started doing some #kgrattitudepost's just for fun after reading a quote by the wonderful Dieter F. Uchtdorf, which said,  "Our loving Heavenly Father knows that choosing to develop a spirit of gratitude will bring us true joy and great happiness...Gratitude is a catalyst to all Christlike attributes!" So I decided to start being more grateful, especially for the people who have blessed my life. So here are a few (pulled off insta+future ones)

The first of my very best friends is my fabulous little sister, Kaley.
This girl is pretty neat because she is the only one who has put up with
me for a full 15 years, and still continues to put up with me. Kaley is the
one I wake up when I come home form dates, just so I can
tell her stories. She is the person I aspire to become, because she is
nothing but kind to everyone she meets. I love her because she is constantly
supporting everything I do. I am especially grateful for the times she
"hides" candy, that I am able to find. She is my very best friend and 
I don't know how I got so lucky to have her as my sister too.

Plus she is always willing to come to the temple, no matter what
other plans she previously had, which is quite kind of her.

The second on the list of fantastic people is miss Katy Brinley, She is one of my favorites because she can always tell when I'm having a rough day, and instantly tries to make me happier. She is always up for a temple trip-which makes her super duper cool. I am grateful that I have such a caring friend, who has such a wonderful family. (Especially her grandma, who let us take some of her names to the temple). Katy is one of the few people I instantly knew I wanted to be friends with, and someone I completely trust. I am thankful for out wonderful conversations we have, especially the ones about the gospel. 
She is adorable, and I am blessed to be able to work with her on Student Council for the upcoming year.

Grateful for the times we spent enduring through our math class, with Liam last year
&& the times we went to the library and slept on the chairs instead of math
&& for always encouraging me to achieve my goals

This one requires a long story (mostly because I just barely read my journal and had forgotten about the first time I met my dear friend)

You know in school when there is that one kid that everyone wishes they could be friends with, or at least have the guts to talk to? Well, that kid is Braden Allred. 

The first time I ran into Braden, it was completely by accident. (Can't say that about all the times since then...) My dear friend has passed away the night before a rainy February day, and I had only found out during lunch the next day. I remember praying as a lunch table for comfort, for her family, and for all of us to receive strength. After that prayer, we could not stop crying, we cried through all of lunch, third period, and for majority of fourth. By the end of fourth period we decided that hiding in the office wasn't a good idea anymore, and decided to attend the last thirty minutes of a Seminary class. Talking with President Beecher, he led us into Bro. Degns class. Not wanting to disturb, the five of my friends and I silently went into the room with our hands filled with tissues, and our hearts quite heavy. I slid into the very first chair I saw, and kept my head down. I knew that my eyes were red, and my make up had washed off a good two hours previous to this moment. When I looked up, I realized where I had sat, I was sitting next to (according to my knowledge) the cutest boy in the entire school. I just remember thinking "of course, this day could not possibly get any worse" but it did, because I don't think I said more than one verse of scripture to him, and I didn't talk to him for the rest of that day, or year. (Which was really lame of me)

Thank goodness that wasn't my only chance to talk to him- I somehow managed to get in the same Physics class, and after a whole term of changing seats, I landed one chair away from him. After showing me his art skills, I knew he was as great as everyone said he was. Fast forward to now, and I am still super grateful for meeting this kid, he has stolen my heart through his charm (and peach lemonade- refer back to last post).  I have never heard him utter one unkind thing about anyone, nor ever give up, which is quite remarkable! He is fantastic and I am very thankful for his friendship and the fact that he doesn't think I'm as weird as I actually am. ;) (Or maybe he does, and is just still really nice to me. Either way.) He is the person that makes my day 126473x better just by passing him in the hallways. I am forever grateful for that day he asked me to accompany him to Temple Square, (that is a totally different story, and it consisted of me hopping down the hall and freaking out) and for all the stories he tells me. I am just very very blessed to know this kind, and incredibly cute kid. 

Insta Appreciation-
Thank you for constantly encouraging me. I am so grateful I have a friend who will kindly bring me some of my favorite things to get me through writing my essay, go to the temple with me, let me stop for ice cream sundaes, and listen to me tell lots of stories (even if it means listening for a few hours) :) I am very thankful for your vast Physics knowledge, because you have taught me basically everything I've learned in that class this year. Plus I can always count on your help with my homework, even really late at night, while the power is off at my hotel during Spring Break, which is very helpful! You simply are one of my favorite people, and I am grateful that you are willing to entertain my family with your guitar playing ability :) Thanks for being such a great friend, and fantastic example. You are a stellar human, and I am blessed to call you one of my best friends. 
#nationalbradenappreciationday    #kgratitudepost


He also likes exploring cool places with me, which is really the reason why he is one of my best friends. 

I couldn't list my favorite people without listing my dear best friend- Bekah Jex. 

Bekah is the one I call when I get scared by sounds in my basement, when I don't know how to do Physics, and she is the very first one I call when happy things happen. I know I can always count on her to be there for me. She is the one who showed up with Cookie Dough hot chocolate the day of my first date with the cutest boy in school. She is the one who was with me when I totaled my car on the way back from the temple. She is always and willing to help me with everything from physics homework, to correcting my English essays about Frederick Douglas. Bekah was the first one I told when I found out my brother was having heart surgery, and she was the one who brought treats and nick-nacks by to make me feel better. She is seriously one of the greatest people I have ever met. I just love her so very much. She is a gem, and I could not have made it through these last two years without her. 

And after being friends for so long,
I'm not sure how we haven't gotten
a better picture..... :)
She is the best at telling her opinions, and helping me solve problems.

And also at supporting me in everything I {try to} do

Everyone would benefit from having a Bekah Jex in their lives. 


Last, but certainly not least, is my dear best friend Spencer Rosenhan. He is the tallest out of my seven best friends, and one of my very favorite people. Spencer is one of those fantastic friends I didn't even meet until this year. I seriously wish I could have met him sooner because he has already impacted my life so much. He is the friend I will go to when I am having a rough day, because he knows exactly how to make me smile. I am very grateful for his "misfortune" of being in Yearbook this year, and getting stuck with four of the most rambunctious (and fantastic, and fabulous) girls in the history of ever. ;) I remember annoying Spencer with T-Swift the very first day he was in Yearbook, and loving every second of it. I am thankful that he always sings along,(secretly, of course). Spencer always states his opinion, which is quite helpful, because I always do too. I am so grateful that Spencer is always willing to take random pictures with me, and for the fact that his ties are always on point. (or the point, whichever)
And he is very talented at posing with me

Insta appreciation-
•Spencer Rosenhan appreciation post• 

Today I am really grateful for one of my best friends names Spencer. This kid never fails to make my day better, from always being willing to listen to the random General Conference talks I find- to helping me make it through classes, and dates, and even hard days. I am really grateful for the day he switched his schedule and got stuck in Yearbook with me, because that day truly changed my life. I am rather thankful and glad that he was willing to sit with me, give me pep talks, and keep all my stuff with him while I was in interviews today. Dear Spencer, you are one of my favorite people, and I am overjoyed that I was given the privilege of being your friend.

 This sums up my favorite people {part 1} and I could not be more blessed, then I am to just associate with these cute people. 


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