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Lollipop Moments & Lord of the Rings

I believe in letting people know they have changed your life, and I've been handing out lollipops to help me do that #lollipopmoments

One day I got asked to accompany one of the cutest boys in the whole school on a date. This day is also known as the day I skipped down the halls and could not stop smiling. That day led to another very significant day, the day I got to go to one of my favorite places with the cute boy, have an adventure while taking the stairs, and eat really good food. It was the first day I actually talked to the cute boy outside of our boring Physics class, and it was also the day I decided I wanted to be really good friends with this kid.

But, this is not all. Here is the blog worthy part- I was FINALLY able to finish one of my new favorite movies series, The Lord of the Rings, last night. I never before had the desire to watch this series, I honestly thought it would be rather nerdy, or very weird. But I found out the truth- it is nerdy and weird! And I basically loved every second of it. Including the parts where I closed my eyes, watched through my fingers, and even when Braden had to rewind and my eyes were covered by a pillow. The best part was the cinematography, and landscapes, and plot, and characters. (I couldn't simply pick a favorite&you will be hearing a whole lot more about the movies soon!) This very important, and life changing movie was totally made possible by the fabulous friend I met those few months ago. It is because of random and fun little things, like talking about Lord of the Rings in the back of Chandler Allen's car, that make bigger moments happen. It is by simple things that great things are brought to pass, and this is one of those small things that proceeded to create something bigger, and usually far greater than we could've ever imagined. 

These small things- a smile, a simple conversation, a movie reference, a door held open, a chair saved in class are all moments that have the capability to to change someones day, week, or even life around. Each one of us has had this happen, whether we have recognized it or not. These close to our heart, tiny moments are simply called lollipop moments. This is perfect because these moments don't usually last long, but they are often simple, and very sweet.

Lollipop Moments-
---One I can distinctly remember is from November, this was a day I walked into my fourth period class a tad upset, and quite confused. I had just gotten out of math, with no desire to sit for another hour and half lecture. About 3/4 of the way into class a kid who sat one seat away from me showed me a picture of a bunny. I don't remember why, but I remember him saying something like, "when I am stressed I like to draw, and I really like bunnies. If you look at it, it just makes you feel better." And I remember walking out of class feeling so much better, still very confused, but much happier. That moment probably meant nothing to the kid I was talking to, and it was just something simple and silly, but it changed my whole day around and lead to me talking to this kid a lot more about bunnies. :)

---Another lollipop moment that meant a whole lot to me was in December. December was a very very hard month for multiple reasons so all of December was basically filled to the brim with lollipop moments from people who probably don't know how much they've impacted me. This particular moment was around my a few days after my birthday, and I was going on a date with a really cute guy, but someone that I didn't personally know really well. I was sitting in class, the day of the date and I was doing what I do best- worrying. My whole fourth period class was involved in the chat about my date, and after a good ten minutes into everyone being excited, and freaked out with me, one of my friends stopped us and said, "I don't understand why you are so scared, you are just as wonderful, and popular, and perfect as he is. If anything he is lucky to be going on a date with you, and you shouldn't be worried." That is something, I am sure my friend has forgotten, but something that meant a lot to me as I prepared for my date without totally psyching myself out of it. 

These small moments have meant the world to me, and it is credible to think of how many people we each could impact with the simple kind things we say each day. So this next school year (and summer too) I am going to pay more attention to the lollipop moments that I have been given, and try to give a few moments to help others too. With all these lollipop moments, life is sure to be a sweet success!


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